
Do contact us if you have any questions about our activities.


For several decades users of the Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) in Europe meet every few years to exchange information, experiences, and knowledge about FWD related aspects. This includes the measurement devices and their practical usage, data analysis and interpretation techniques, and innovations in the field of road deflection measurement.


The main activity of the European FWD user group is the organisation of meetings. Such a meeting can be an informal workshop or a special session on a conference. All owners, operators, users, and manufacturers are invited to exchange ideas and participate in the European FWD UG meetings.

Board of directors

The board of the European FWD user group consists of three people: the organiser of the upcoming meeting and the organisers of the two previous meetings.

This website

This website is graciously hosted by the Belgian Road Research Centre. The BRRC is a private research institute of public utility. Its mission is to promote and coordinate technological progress in road construction through scientific research, innovation, and knowledge sharing. The BRRC is a user of an FWD and welcomed a Euro FWD UG Meeting in 2010 at its premises.

4 reasons to rely on BRRC

1. Road construction is our specialty.
Road construction is our specialty. Our team is made up of experts who examine all aspects of road construction every day. Do you need specialist know-how, e.g. in the field of concrete pavement or road inspection? Or on the three standard tender specifications in Belgium? BRRC is your partner of choice.
2. Independent body
BRRC is an independent body that provides impartial advice.
3. Large multidisciplinary team of experts
BRRC has a large multidisciplinary team of experts: engineers, geologists, chemists, planners, laboratory technicians, etc. What is in it for you? You can contact us for all your questions on all aspects of road construction. And we will examine them from different points of view.
4. Our services are generally free of charge
Our services are generally free of charge for accountable, associate and adherent members.

BRRC activities: 4 pillars

1. Innovation
Innovation: through research projects and experiments, we are making our roads more sustainable, smarter and greener.
2. Assistance
Assistance: anyone with questions about road construction can contact our multidisciplinary team of experts.
3. Training
Training: under the name Belgian Road Academy, BRRC offers a wide range of training courses. These include both theoretical courses and practical workshops. All aspects of road construction are covered.
4. Expertise
Expertise: over the years, we have acquired extensive knowledge in road construction. We share this knowledge through training, technical and documentary assistance, and publications.

BRRC areas of expertise

BRRC is active in all areas of road construction: materials, techniques, tests, measurements, software. And in all phases of a road construction project: design, implementation, control, management, and maintenance. Our areas of expertise are as follows:

  • Geotechnics and (sub)base layers
  • Water and roads
  • Asphalt roads and other bituminous applications
  • Concrete roads and paving
  • Mobility
  • Road safety
  • Environment

Our starting point? The road network is an essential component in a comprehensive and sustainable transport system. That is why we pay attention to all actors: road contractors, road managers and all types of road users, vehicles and infrastructure, but also to the immediate environment, as well as the socio-​economic and social context.