Privacy Statement

(Latest update: 5.06.2018)

The Belgian Road Research Centre, hereinafter abbreviated as BRRC, respects your privacy. All information on what personal data BRRC processes and how BRRC handles it correctly can be found in this document.

During your contacts with BRRC, certain data on you is collected and processed. Since this data enables you to be identified as a person, it is considered as “personal data”.

Privacy statement
Personal data detained by BRRC
Processing of personal data by BRRC
Sharing of personal data by BRRC
Your rights
BRRC’s security policy
Contact data 


1. Privacy statement

This privacy statement applies to all personal data BRRC collects and processes on you.

By using BRRC’s products and services (websites, research and development, assistance, publications, training, and others), you agree that this privacy statement applies to personal data processed by BRRC.

BRRC reserves the right to modify this privacy statement at all times. The currently valid version can always be found on BRRC’s website.


2. Personal data detained by BRRC

Data directly provided by you to BRRC

Identification and contact information: surname, first name, address and place of residence, e-mail address, telephone or mobile phone number, date of birth, age, sex.
Financial information: bank account number, BIC code, name of account holder.
Login data for a user account: (user) name, e-mail address, password, security question and answer, login times.
Data on the products and/or services you wish to acquire, and interests or preferences marked by you through our websites or apps.
Data from complaints or feedback through e-mail, evaluation forms or any other channels about your experience with BRRC, as well as remarks, suggestions and any other feedback.
Contact data from a job application, such as surname and first name, address, telephone and e-mail, date of birth, photographs, information on the position applied for, knowledge of languages, education, curriculum vitae and motivation.
Data provided by you through (mobile) websites, apps and web shops

The following information may be processed on you when using of BRRC’s websites or apps: pages and websites visited and searches entered, data you enter yourself on the websites or in the apps, and other data which you have allowed BRRC to access.

Click here to learn more about our cookies policy.

Data from other sources

BRRC can also collect and process data from public sources and social media. The rules and preferred settings of the providers of those social media shall then apply, both to you and to BRRC.

On BRRC’s websites you will find links to other websites not managed by BRRC. These websites should have their own privacy statements and we recommend you to read them. BRRC takes no responsibility or liability for the websites of those third parties.


3. Processing of personal data by BRRC

BRRC processes personal data for the following purposes:

the conclusion and execution of an agreement with you (for the management of accountable and adherent members, for technical assistance, for technological consulting and documentary assistance, for agreements to set up and carry out research, for ordering publications, for creating and managing a user account, etc.), as well as the making, monitoring and collection of invoices, whether through third parties or not;
the possibility to exchange, create and delete certain information and/or to contact other users on websites, apps, etc.;
the continuous improvement and the maintenance and optimization of our products, services, assistance, websites and apps, and their security;
the optimization of BRRC’s strategy and general policy;
the rendering of customized services and/or assistance including accompanying support, user information, and service or other related messages;
the sending of targeted invitations to events (workshops, training sessions, etc.), publications and information in which you have marked an interest;
communication with applicants in recruitment and selection activities, evaluating applications and the suitability of applicants for a position, possible engagement, making the necessary arrangements prior to engagement, and constituting a recruitment pool;
observing legislation – in the broadest sense – to which BRRC is subject;
other specific purposes, for which a separate consent may be requested.


4. Sharing of personal data by BRRC


Personal data can be shared with partners, suppliers or others appointed by BRRC, when processing by such third parties is necessary for conclusion, execution, use, purchase, access or handling in the context of assistance, the provision of services, products, websites, apps, etc. BRRC has made the necessary agreements with all these partners, suppliers and other appointed parties to restrict the processing of your personal data and ensure that it is protected adequately.

Your personal data is disclosed exclusively under the terms of this privacy statement and/or when required by law or by a court order.

Our partners, suppliers or other appointed parties may use your personal data to send you offers, newsletters and other commercial information only if you have given your consent for each of them separately. If you no longer wish to receive such items from them, you can always contact those third parties to have the use of your personal data stopped.

Finally, personal data can always be anonymized before it is shared with third parties. In such cases you will never be identifiable by the shared data.


5. Your rights

You have the right to consult and correct at any time your personal data processed by BRRC.

You also have the right to have your personal data deleted or to have the processing and transferability of your personal data restricted, as far as the regulations in force contain provisions to that effect.

You can withdraw your given consent for certain processing operations and object to the processing of your personal data at all times, for serious and legitimate reasons. You can also object to the use of your personal data for direct marketing and to the transfer of your personal data to third parties (when this transfer is not necessary for providing services and for the operation of BRRC).

You may contact BRRC to that effect, using the contact information given in the final Section of this private statement (

You have the right to file a complaint with the supervising authority: Data Protection Authority (, Rue de la Presse 35, 1000 Brussels, telephone: +32 2 274 48 00, fax: +32 2 274 48 35, e-mail:


6. BRRC’s security policy

Security of personal data

BRRC takes all reasonable measures to protect your personal data in the best way possible from loss, abuse, disclosure, unauthorized access or modification. The necessary technical and organizational measures are implemented to provide an adequate level of security.

Payment data is always protected by the standard encryptions customary in protecting sensitive financial information.

Storage of personal data

BRRC will not store your personal data longer than necessary for processing, considering the contractual and legal obligations to which BRRC is subject with regard to this personal data as well as the statutory objectives of BRRC to render assistance, improve the quality of service and respond correctly to clients.


7. Minors (children under sixteen)

BRRC never deliberately collects nor processes any personal data on minors under sixteen years of age. Should personal data on minors be processed anyway in good faith, BRRC will delete it from its files as soon as possible after taking notice.


8. Contact data

Belgian Road Research Centre
Boulevard de la Woluwe 42
1200 Brussels
Company number 0407.571.927

Please contact us at the e-mail address below to make sure that your question, complaint or remark is addressed rapidly. A ticket will be created and sent to you, so that you can monitor progress: