10th European FWD User Group Meeting in Prague on Monday, October 2, 2023


The EuroFWD UGM will be held in Prague on October 2, 2023 from 2.15PM to 4.15PM in conjunction with the XXVIIth PIARC World Road Congress (https://www.wrc2023prague.org/).

Address of the venue:

Prague Congress Centre, 5.kvetna 65, 140 21 Prague 4, Czech Republic.

Meeting Room 1.1 (first floor)

Four presentations, 25 minutes each:

  • Helene Persson (Greenwood Engineering A/S) 

Comparing pavement response from a single rolling wheel with FWD.

  • Per Otto Aursand (Norwegian Public Roads Administration)

Deflection Measurements on the National Road Network of Norway using RAPTOR.

  • Arman Hamidi (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

A Comparison Between Rapid Pavement Tester and Falling Weight Deflectometer.

  • Kåre Sloth Jensen (measure)

A short presentation about “measure”

  • Ronald Vennix (wegdekmeten.nl)

FWD dynamicbackcalculation in dailypavement engineering practice

An open discussion for 20 minutes:

  • The role of the FWD in comparison to the TSDD’s, their advantages and inconveniences, their respective data quality, etc.